I guess I'm just waxing nostalgic tonight.
I've just been thinking back to when I first started working with computers.
I was thirteen, and in junior high school. My first computer science course revolved around the Apple IIe. Everything was via command line(Apple Pro-DOS). No hard drives. Everything had to be loaded from floppy drives and saved to them as well. No color monitors. I learned to program in BASIC. My second class, in high school, was with the then brand new Apple IIgs. The big improvements were color monitors and higher resolutions, but still no hard drive. And it really seemed to take forever to load off 3.5 inch disks. That was then.
Now, no computer even comes with a floppy drive because it would be laughable compared to the storage capacity of DVD-ROMS and multi-gigabyte flash drives. Solid state hard drives are competing with traditional mechanical drives. RAM is to places never dreamed of twenty five years ago. Computers have gotten smaller,more powerful. They can be just about anywhere now.
It's been quite the ride, and even though just about all of the things I originally learned are obsolete, I sometimes look back with fond memories of where things were, even as I appreciate where they are and what is yet to come.
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